
2007-03-27 7:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-29 4:09 am
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時間介系詞 (Prepositions of Time): at,on,in,for 和since:

我們使用 at 來指定特定的時間:
The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

我們使用 on 來指定日期:
My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Tenth of October.

我們使用 in 來指定一天、一月、一季或一年中非特定的時間:
She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

我們使用 for 來度量時間 (秒鐘、分鐘、小時、天數、月和年):
He held his breath for seven minutes.
She's lived there for seven years.

對於特定的日期或時間,我們使用 since:
He's worked here since 1970.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty.

地方介系詞 (Prepositions of Place): at,on,和 in

我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:
Maria works at No. 55 Harbour Road in Central.

我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:
Her house is on Harbour Road.

我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):
She lives in China.
Japan is in Asia.
2007-03-27 8:03 am
表示 "在...上面" 、 "在...下面" 的這些單字,稱為<介係詞preposition>

e.g. There is a book on the desk. ====> on
There is a puppy under the tree. ====> under

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