
2007-03-27 7:04 am

回答 (9)

2007-03-27 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are talking about a bunch of food record that someone ate, it should be "food list"
If you are talking about a list of foods with a box next to it for checking, it's called "food checklist"
Or, more specific for shopping, you may call it "food shopping list"
2007-03-28 7:53 am

2.List of food
2007-03-28 2:02 am
Food checks
參考: me
2007-03-27 8:31 pm
Food menu

Menu 己Ok
參考: SELF
2007-03-27 7:15 pm
Food List
2007-03-27 5:58 pm
食物清單can be "Food List"
or "Menu"
2007-03-27 7:20 am
Food List
Food Product List (食物產品清單)
2007-03-27 7:11 am
Food List
2007-03-27 7:07 am
food list

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