lenz's law

2007-03-27 6:59 am
A bar magnet approach a coil.
係咪有induced current 先,跟住N/S pole?

跟住再用right hand grip rule搵到邊邊係N/S pole?

回答 (2)

2007-03-27 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
係阿,無錯阿,原因為係因為個magnetic flux change 之後有條式d(flux)/dt=electromagnetic force.,所以咪有current流動lo

2007-03-27 9:27 am
S magnet N ---->............. (0)))))...coil ...))))
.........S magnet N ....----> (0)))))...coil ...)))) <------[N oppose field S]
.............S magnet N ----> (0)))))...coil ...)))) <------[N oppose field S] increases

put your right hand thumb towards the direction of N from oposing field, you then can see the induced current (other fingers direction) ....

先有induced emf, 再有current

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