
2007-03-27 5:13 am


回答 (4)

2007-03-27 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. if I in a destitute national life, I cannot marry first give birth to a boy .....Because does this only can make to live poverty-stricken, should as far as possible look for the money, looks for 3-4 work, then stores the good money slowly….When certain time only then marries gives birth to a boy….Leaves own the Chu good money son
2. if I in rich national life….Can first look for a comfortable work, looks for a companion, enjoys well….Again child who gives the work obtained money donation the poverty-stricken country
參考: me
2008-09-17 4:30 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-03-27 5:36 am
1. if I'm in a third-world contry, I won't be getting married or have children hastily because it'll make life harder for me. I should work on 3-4 jobs and establish an adequate saving... then when times come I may find someone and start a family... and leave my children some money and give them a better start in life...

2. if I live in a well-developed country, I'll find a good job and enjoy my life with my spouse... then I'll donate my wages to underprivilege children in poorer environment.

good luck~
2007-03-27 5:35 am
1) i will not marry and have babies first if i am dwell in a poverty country.Beacuse it will just make the livelihood more poverty.I think i should find 3-4 of jobs to earn more money to stored up more money.When i have already earn enough money, i will marry and have babies. Then i can use the stored up money for my babies.

2) If i am dwell in a rich country, i will find a cosy jod to do and find a companion to enjoy. And i will contribute my money by work to earn to the children who are dwell in a poverty country.

可能文法有錯都唔定>< 唔好意思!
參考: 自己+字典

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