飛機師問題 10點

2007-03-27 3:29 am
我想做飛機師 不過我有色盲/色弱 咁仲有冇機會牙?如果色盲/色弱輕微的話會唔會做到?(航空公司會唔會請你) and 有咩方法可以test色盲/色弱有幾嚴重?

回答 (3)

2007-03-27 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
No... They will definately not employ you if you have any eye sight problem... And they would sometimes employ those have visuial problem providing the problem can be fixed with wearing a pair of glasses...
So if you have 色盲/色弱 which cannot be corrected... No matter how minor the problem, you still wont be able to get through...
And with the check of visuial that airlines would do... Dont think that you can actually get away with it...
2007-03-27 4:14 am
please ensure you're 色盲 or 色弱. anyway, if you can pass the eyesight test, that'll be ok.
2007-03-27 3:34 am

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