
2007-03-27 2:29 am
What woula you do if you were on board a flight that is going to crash?
Writeat least 50 words.

回答 (2)

2007-03-28 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'll write notes to my loved ones... To my parents to tell them how much I love them, how they should deal with their life after my departure, and how they should look forward to their lives and live happily. If I still have time after writing the notes, I'll ask for a zip-loc bag or a wine bottle from the air-stewardess and make sure the notes are safely seal so that it will not be wear off my sea water and it will be able to float.
2007-03-27 9:54 pm
you can take a look at the above information or rent a copy of the movie
and take a look, how people react from this crashing flight ...
very realistic and horrifying ...
good luck

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