
2007-03-26 11:00 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-27 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)draynor village d willows附近[如果閣下combat lvl唔夠15,小心d dark wizard(lvl 7)]
2)Al-kharid(沙漠)銀行南面(有一隻lvl 14 scorpion)
3)karamja(要由port sarim搭船去,要30gp)釣魚台

閣下可以參考入面既地圖or fishing guide。

2007-04-04 20:52:52 補充:
4) fishing tutor (lumbridge南面,過左d墳地向南行)5) wildy lvl 23-24 bandit camp (有一大堆lvl 22既bandit行黎行去,而且係wildy,絕對唔建議閣下去

2007-04-04 20:54:22 補充:
4) fishing tutor (lumbridge南面,過左d墳地向南行)5) wildy lvl 23-24 bandit camp (有一大堆lvl 22既bandit行黎行去,而且係wildy,絕對唔建議閣下去)6) port sarim南面,冇乜怪會打你,不過離銀行好遠

2007-04-04 20:57:26 補充:
use fishing rod with fishing spot既時候要right click,"bait fishing spot"先可以釣到。仲有,閣下如果冇fishing lvl 5都係釣唔到,加上你fishing lvl 10以上就可以釣埋herring,就唔係得sardine一種魚釣到。

2007-04-04 21:00:42 補充:
fishing rod係port sarim個gerrant到買,5 gp一枝(要同fishing bait一齊用)fishing bait最少2 gp一粒,會因數量減少而加價,閣下都可以打係draynor sewers個d zombie,lvl 13既有5粒,lvl 24既有7粒,打man (lvl 2)既都有一粒
2007-04-03 6:14 am
Bait Fishing

Free Location: Found in many Fishing locations, such as Karamja dock, Draynor Village, River Lum, Barbarian Village and Al Kharid.

Members' Location: Found in many fishing locations, such as Catherby, Seers' Village Lake, Ardougne river, Shilo Village, Mort Myre Swamp, Lumbridge Swamp Dungeon, Fishing Platform (after completion of the Sea Slug quest) and the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

Required items: Fishing Rod and Fishing Bait (You will use up 1 bait every time you catch a fish).

Bait prices are based on how many the store has in stock, the price usually starts at around 3gp.
You can also obtain bait from killing monsters such as zombies and slayer Banshees.

You can begin baiting fish at Level 5. At this level you are able to catch Sardines.
2007-04-01 7:26 pm
free world places:dranor village,lumbridge swarm,karamja

2007-04-01 11:34:19 補充:
not lumbridge swarm,is lumbridge swamp,and Al-kharid have sardine tooKaramja:In the place have a lot of banana trees,east of the volcanoAl-kharid:south of Al-kharid bankDranor Village:At the place have willows and dark wizardLumbridge Swamp:east south of Lumbridge swamp
2007-03-30 6:19 am

1. Draynor Village Bank, 南面, o的堆 willow o個度
2. Al-Kharid Bank, 南面, 有兩只 lvl-14 Scorpian (小心... 我o個時30le o的scorp都打我)
3. Lumbridge, Lumbridge Swamp, Fishing Tutor(咧度唔洗行好遠,有無o野打你)
4. Karamja, Karamja Fishing Platform, East of the banana trees(要比錢去Karamja)

Fishing Rod (5gp from Port Sarim Fishing Store)
Fishing Baits (Around 5gp from Port Sarim Fishing Store)

注意member度又有個 "net fishing spot",但係click o左落去又話 Net Fishing spot/ Harpoon Fishing Spot (Catherby 有個), o個 d 係Big Net Fishing同Harpoon Shark o既地方,唔好搞亂...

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