air asia 飛往吉隆坡

2007-03-26 10:32 pm

你地係幾時bk 機票﹖


回答 (2)

2007-03-27 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
無咩特別唔方便, 總之預左平價機票係冇乜服務就會覺得ok

1. 不設飛機餐
2. 不劃位, 不過65歲以上和小孩可以優先登機
3. 禁止帶食物到機上吃, 可以在機上買, 唔貴的

澳門機場好細, 所以登機閘又近又易搵。

如果暑假去, 你大約4月中開始留意定, 因為佢每月都會不定期做優惠, 一般每班機約10個機位是最平的, 但優惠過後可以等下一次優惠。

平時佢賣機票係10張10張咁加價, 即係第1--10張一個價, 之後就會加一級價, 又賣10張, 又加一級, 但到了優惠時, 又會調整, 所以最佳方法就是經常留意佢的優惠。

當然, 到了5月尾6月頭, 仍未買到的話, 就要開始緊張, 麻麻地的價錢, 但又接受到的話都殺。
2007-04-01 8:06 am
I flew with Air Asia just a month ago. I felt it is very good, worth the journey to Macau Airport.

The fare is way cheaper than flying directly from HK, because HK-KL route is a monopoly route. My Air Asia ticket costed me around $700 rtn!! (incl everything)

The check in process is so fast. I think it only takes 30sec for the staff to check me in. Take note that Macau airport is super-small. There is only 8 gates and less than 10 shops there, so be prepared!

There is no FREE service onboard (no free newspaper, no free meals, no headphones, no pillow, but at least there is toilet paper) They do sell instant noodles, drinks and snacks. It is free seating. That means fight for the seats if you want to sit together as a group.

One thing negative is walking between the terminal and aeroplane. It is not much of a problem in Macau, but it is in KL. There are no help for disabled so you help yourself.

Before you book, of course factor in the ferry ticket cost, transport cost from Ferry Terminal to the Airport (Both way)+ Time consumed. Compare it with China Airlines before you book.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:11:49
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