好急!!!! 請幫忙翻譯成英文,謝

2007-03-26 8:57 pm
當開始這份任務時, 我們組員首先互相搜尋關於茶的網頁,了解茶的資料, 然後商量學生的任務應該放在哪個範圍上, 由於茶的文化涉及的知識很廣, 所以我們把學生的任務縮窄, 讓他們有目標地利用互聯網搜尋知識. 然後, 我們商討探索網頁每部分的內容, 盡量使每部分的內容都能緊緊相連, 互相協作. 之後, 我們把內容分工, 各自做好自己負責的內容部分,包括文字, 圖片等資料. 完成以上的部分, 我們再約出來較改, 修正內容上重複, 未完善的地方.最後就是商討做網頁的技術. 我們除了自己參考老師的網頁,還有請教一些朋友,來使我們的網頁變得更吸引,生動.

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When starts this duty, our group first mutually searches for about the tea homepage, understood the tea the material, then discussed which scope student's duty should put in, because the tea culture involves the knowledge is very broad, therefore we shrink narrowly student's duty, lets them have the goal use Internet search knowledge Then, we discussed exploration homepage each part of contents, enable each part of contents all as far as possible tight to be connected, mutually cooperates Afterwards, we the content division of labor, respectively complete the oneself responsible content to be partial, including writing, material and so on picture Above completes the part, we approximately come out again comparatively change, in the revision content duplicates, consummation place Finally is the discussion makes the homepage the technology We refer to teacher's homepage except oneself, but also invited teaches some friends, causes our homepage to change attracts, is vivid
2007-03-26 9:27 pm
When we first begin this task, our team members first collect the information of tea via the internet to get better understanding. After that, we will discuss which student should be responsibe for which area of tea information. Since the culture of tea information is very wide, so we will narrow the horizon of the students' tasks and to let them collect the relevent information via the internet. Then, we will discuss every page of the internet information and linking the relevent information together. And then we will distribute different parts of the information including the words and diagram to different students. Once the information has been collected and distributed, we will revaluate the undesired the parts, making amendments when necessary. Finally, we will discuss the skills in making internet frontpage. We will invite some of our teachers and friends to make comments upon the frontpage design which will make it more interesting.

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