
2007-03-26 8:22 pm
電腦高手. 請問如何補救呢 ??????

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果是其他os, 可能是系統檔案損壞,也只有高手幫到你
2007-03-26 8:38 pm

Error massage?
[你的虛擬記憶最少值太低] stands for your visual memory value in hard disk is too less, you must set it more than 370MB.
As you buy a hard disk, the label says it has n GB, but you only can use n-a GB, because your computer needs some space of the disk for system, and the visual memory.
You have changed its visual memory's value before? It cannot only have a bit, you need to set it about 370MB to 380MB.

2007-03-26 12:59:31 補充:
[Tips]If the visual memory is enough, but it still comes out?This is the system's problems, or it may be infected by virus, you can scan your computer by using an anti-virus software.

2007-03-27 07:29:48 補充:
[Corect]Correct a word:It must be virtual memory, not visual memory.

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