
2007-03-26 8:19 pm
係句子到加個been, will be <<<姐係點...
同埋句子中間加which, what<<<解吾到成句><
pls help me !!

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我唔知你指邊種情況, 我試舉例:
1, I have been to Paris for 2 times. 我去過巴黎兩次
2, I have been warned not to smoke. 我已被警告不准吸煙
兩句中, been 都係過去分詞用, 分別係1, 主動, 2, 被動

3, It will be 89. 將會係89
4, The bottle will explode in 10 seconds. 樽野會響十秒內爆炸
will 加 動詞(be, explode, 等) 就係將來式.

5, Women and money, which one will you choose. 女人同錢, 你揀邊様
- 呢個which 係 [哪一個]咁解
6, This is the cup which was used by the King. 就係呢隻杯 - 以前皇帝用過既.
- 呢個which 係連接詞, 用黎加一d重要描述.
7, This is the mountain Fuji, which is the most famous tourist point in Japan.
呢度訧係富士山, 日本最出名既旅遊景點.
- 呢個which 係 [即係...] 咁用, 用黎加一d不太重要既描述. 都係連接詞,
- 兩句分別係多左個coma

8, Money is what I need. 錢係一樣我需要既
- 可以寫成 What I need is money. 意思一樣, What + 後面既野你可以睇成一舊野
9, I will see what can get. 我會睇你得到d咩
- What + 後面既野你可以睇成一舊野
10, (What you see) is (what you can take away). 你見到既就係你可以攞走既
- S + V + O

唔明再問, 希望你唔好移除

2007-03-28 10:03:39 補充:
喂, 樓上唔好重複又重複貼埋晒d唔相關既野啦

2007-03-31 10:22:05 補充:
be 係一個動詞will 一個動詞 就係用黎表示將來式你可以先咁睇:Will = 將會be = 係/是will be = 將會係will 唔一定 be, 可以係:will gowill fly awaywill diewill return to livewill eat morewill give you money

2007-04-05 12:54:23 補充:
請網友唔好再亂投票, 搞到我為果5分叫晒d好朋友幫手投票
2007-03-26 9:20 pm
be 係 Infinitive 會因應唔同的時態 (tense) 而改變.


Past Present Past Participle Present participle
be was/were is/am/are been being
go went go gone going


1. Present tense - is/am/are

I am tall (Subject + verb to be + adjective)
She is tall
We are tall

2. Future tense - will

will 之後的 verb 要用 Infinitive

She will go home (subject + will + verb)

She will be tall (will 後面要係 verb, 由於 tall 係 adjective, 見 eg 1, 所以要幫佢加番個 verb, eg 1 - She is tall, is 的 infinitive 就係 be)

She is tall (present)
She will be tall (future)
She has been tall (present prefect)

sorry, 夠鐘, 遲 d 再答

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