
2007-03-26 2:19 pm
英文口試:請替我作一篇稿詞關於到長洲旅行!例如:長洲人力車、特色海產等。有二十 分呀!(一定要英文!!!!!)

回答 (3)

2007-03-27 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

This Cheung Chau of travel me to feel very happy and difficult to forget. {This Cheung Chau of travel me and feel very happy and difficult and forget. / This Cheung Chau of travel me to feel very happy with difficult forget.}
We go to Cheung Chau that day. {We go Cheung Chau that day.}
So I have been all expecting that day very much.
Although that annoys every day not so good.Still rain often.
But still have no Sun our fascination. {But still without Sun our fascination.}
We set out in the train station then early in the morning.
Took a train.The small round arrives long continent with new ferry just. {Small round with lately the ferry just arrives long continent. / Small round and new the ferry just arrives long continent.}
Is really a hardships very!
The Cheung Chau isn't only a scenery beauty. {Cheung Chau not only a scenery beauty.} And there are also a lot of well-known tour divine spots.
So is Hong Kong that our this special subject wants to introduce to travel famous spot. {So is Hong Kong that our this special subject wants to introduce and travel famous spot. / So is our this special subject to want introductive Hong Kong to travel famous spot.}
We visit everywhere.Take photo.Still bought the hand letter to just return before leaving. {Still bought to believe to just return before leaving.}
The itinerary is well worth mentioning this time BE.
We a went 5 people to all go to a piece treasure Zi hole. {We a go 5 people all to led a piece treasure Zi hole.}
This is my 2nd times to enter a treasure Zi holes. {Is my 2nd time to enter a treasure Zi hole this time.}
The inside is really very black.
However.We all feel excited and breathtaking.
Hope to be next time to there is chance to go one more. {Hope to be next time and there is chance to and go one more.}
2007-03-27 8:40 am
There is no rickshaw (人力車) in Cheung Chau. Here is some of the attractions of Cheung Chau:

Bun Festival (太平清醮)
street procession with custumed children (飄式遊行)
Climbing of bub tower (搶包山)
Tin Hau temple (天后廟)
Providing tourists a pleasant place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city-life.
Adventure to the Cheung Po Tsai pirate cave
Enjoying seafood in the fishing village
2007-03-26 7:40 pm
the above 3 links can help you to write that essay, they have all the information
you need, like rickshaw, seafood festival in cheung chau ...
good luck la

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