
2007-03-26 1:34 pm
有個男仔, 佢成日同其他女仔玩到搭晒膊頭, 攬頭攬頸咁, 但就同我好"生外", 有次伸左隻手出黎想搭落黎都縮番手, 點解會咁? 點至可以同佢fd多d?

to alien3333, 我唔係like him, ok?

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得 ,,, 可能佢對你有野...?
通常對有feel /好感既人都會表現得比較冷淡 ~
參考: 我覺得 ...
2007-03-26 1:59 pm
I think he feel that you "LIKE" him, but at the same time, you may not be his cup of tea ... not his type ...
ok, if you want to continue as friend fine, let destiny take care of the rest ...
but I can tell you want more from him ... 點至可以同佢熟d? you can become more natural, and less care about "body contact" with him ...
I think he already feel that you want to touch him ... :P either he like to play with your feeling or either he just don't like YOU to touch him ...
I think you should focus on treating him good more, more careful ... but with confidence always, give him more smile and see how it goes ...
if he avoid you more, I think you should move forward and forget about him ...
since you turn him off already ...
don't waste time on some NOT-POSSIBLE relationship ... even you finally win him ... YOU CANNOT KEEP HIM LONG !
good luck la ..

2007-03-26 12:29:12 補充:
ok, good ... :P
參考: same answer for same question

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