"同.....一樣" 英文怎麼說?

2007-03-26 1:13 pm

回答 (10)

2007-03-26 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use A and B as an example

A is the same as B
There is no differences between A and B
A and B are exactly the same
2007-03-26 6:59 pm
..... With the same "
2007-03-26 6:59 pm
"同.....一樣" 英文怎麼說?

Ditto = the same as...
John said we should go ahead, and I say ditto. 我同 John 一樣意見.
參考: SELF
2007-03-26 6:42 pm
Same thing (同.....一樣物件)
Me too (同.....我一樣)
2007-03-26 6:11 pm
.....is the same as .........
2007-03-26 3:39 pm
你可以用same, or me too.
Let me give you some ex. for you for more understand to use those words.

You get the same thing with me! (我同你都有同一樣嘢)
You like to play games? Me too! ( 你鐘意玩游戲? 我都係姐!)
2007-03-26 2:36 pm
as (adj) as (noun)


same as (noun)
2007-03-26 1:33 pm
Same thing (同.....一樣物件)
Me too (同.....我一樣)
2007-03-26 1:27 pm
The same as....
or u can use "alike", "similar to"
2007-03-26 1:20 pm
參考: cherry!....

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