
2007-03-26 12:08 pm
一直彈出a disk error occur........開唔到機.

容量大 (最少120GB)


回答 (3)

2007-03-26 12:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我用左Thinkpad 八年,轉左幾個model,成日拿住周圍去,都好少出問題。

你唔要太重可以選擇 Thinkpad x Series,係Thinkpad Model中最輕的,但screen只有12.1”。
覺得screen唔夠大的話,可以買All in one 的 T Series.


120GB 你買的時候要求升級就會有。

wireless 基本上所有新的notebook都有

有Cam同mic 我就唔清楚,我用自己部Thinkpad 無用外置mic時都可以玩skype對話,但cam我就未見過。





Thinkpad 係有全球保養的,香港買的,去到英國都可以做維修


你死左機內的data過唔過得番好睇你隻harddisk 死成點喎,可以試下買個2.5"USB 外置HDD case放個舊hdd入去,用usb連去部新機到睇下見唔見到個hdd,呢樣野比較複雜,最好搵個識電腦的朋友幫幫手。
2007-03-26 6:58 pm
sony,死左機.一直彈出a disk error occur........開唔到機 is simple problem.
If all data is in D drive of your sony then you can try the SONY self recovery function in your notebook.

Just press F10(or F9 I forgot which one) the it will run the utility. I will sak you if you want to recover window, choos e the option which do not format your drive d. in about 10-30 minutes it will reinstall windows for you and everything will be OK. but everything in dirve C will be deleted. If older model it will come with a recovery DVD, just put it in befor you start NB. Look into the printed manual of note book to see more detail procedure.
If data needed is in C drive . You need to ask repair shop or frend to take out hard disk from inside notebook to connect to other computer first(using usb-box) to copy data out. Then you can put HD in to try the above procedure to recovery.
改機 usually not possible 改機 is simple just take NB to shop which sell ram in Wan chai, or Sham Sui Po. Ram for Sony NB is more expensive may be 500-800 for +512mb.
Most of the newer notebook from all company have Vista now, but better check if Vista can really use all your old programme.
If limited budget 13.1in Sony VGN-SZ43GN/B 11980HKD is a good choice
If have money sony VGN-SZ48GN/C 16980HKD have webcam wireless dvd etc. and lightest with all the function you want. See below to learn on size and weight.
Monitor size=weight=cost
4-6in =500g =15000HKD( no cd or dvd)
12.1in =1.2Kg =15000-20000HKD (with CD/dvd, & nbsp; without cd/dvd only 999g or less) Sony G series or Panasonic W series
12.1in =1.6-2Kg =10000-15000HKD (with CD/dvd) Leveno X6O dell or LG Z1 (12000HKD)
1.31=>1.6Kg=12000 -17000HKD Fujitsu S series or Sony SZ series
14in= <1.5Kg= 19000HKD Panasonic Y5 or Y6 coming soon
14inor14.1in=>2.3 Kg =8000-18000HKD and brand have this.
17in=>3kg= 15000-25000hkd sony Samsung or acer.

1.2Kg is the best weight( to carry around all day)also 12.1 in&n bsp;with reasonable size screen if you can afford is good for putting in small bag.
By experience you cannot carried a 2KG notebook to walk around for more than 15 minutes.
Also please remember 1.25Kg weight the same as 1.25l cocacola bottle
2KG=2l Coco Cola bottle.
I use a Sony U70 or Panasonic W2 orW4 if I need to travel.Walking few hours climbing hill wilth no problem. But I will not take any NB hea vier than 1.2kg

2007-03-26 11:01:47 補充:
VGN-SZ48GN/C weight 1.67KgLeveno and Thinkpad is heavy.

2007-03-26 11:02:54 補充:
To buy Sony NB go to Sony shop la

2007-03-26 11:07:01 補充:
HP dv2221TX old model la can buy at auction for 8000-9000http://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1113278689
2007-03-26 2:45 pm
其實你的notebook應該是死了HDD, 但這只是初步的推測
Lenovo 的 t60 不錯,不過貴了點。
hp 的 dv2221TX 售 $10480, 有晒你既要求,重可以第二時加ram/hdd

最好去大行買,如 Fortress/broadway 有得賣,又可以分期,一次過比又可以有 97折
不過如果你想比CASH可以有94折,不過就要經 IT 人買啦 (e.g. me)

如果你想知多d,或者要幫手,可以電郵/msn我 [email protected]

good luck!

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