請幫忙翻譯一下,many thx!!

2007-03-26 10:20 am
我有份assignment要做, 但佢個要求我唔係好明白....關於case study一間公司, 要寫份report架, 麻煩幫我翻譯一下,有10分架!! thx!!

回答 (4)

2007-03-26 10:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your paper is one of the subjects under (MOB) - Human Rescource management.

You need to address some people management problems as the caption of this paper (eg. low staff moral, high staff turnover rate, poor communication ....etc)

And then make some quotes on Human behaviour / motivation theories like: Maslow's theory, Theroy X & Y, Vroom's expectancy theory, Herzberg's theory. Analyse the above problems by applying those thoeries and see how the problems could be dealt with.

Describe what the HR recommendations in the areas of recruitment, training, apprisal are and its relevancy towards corporate objectives. How to implement those recommendations in your company and get the buy-in from stakeholders (shareholders, management, employees, investors and etc..). Examples or case analysis must be given to substantiate the approach.

Hope this help
2016-05-17 5:36 pm
1 ; 中約為1500字的管理報告,概述你所看到的這個組織中最顯著“人本管理”的問題,牢記已經贊同董事會的經營宗旨和目標。
3 : 你將如何參與,並與任何改變的執行者進行磋商。你必須解釋在人力資源的事項編寫者將支持或不支持你的正當理由這些行動。
4 : 您將需要研究適當的文獻,並利用講座中。使用實例和特別任何組織比較,可能是適當的。請務必使用正確的慣例參照您的工作。
2007-03-26 7:01 pm
我國有機成份主要做轉讓、 但要求我國佢個唔關系好明白:: 於宗 研究一間公司,寫份報告的主要架、麻煩惱一幫我國翻譯下,有10架分! ! thx! ! 你已要求新總裁寫:1. 管理約1500字的報告,概述您覺得最重要的"人的管理"這一問題 組織銘記業務宗旨和目標已同意董事. 這份報告必須參照適當的理論和人力資源方面採取分區方式的好處和建議 改變. 這份報告建議採取任何行動,你必須解釋為什麼和怎樣將涉及利益在協商 執行任何改變. 你必須對作者的解釋會人力事務你是否支持這些行動的理由. 你要研究和運用恰當的文學講座unput. 任何組織,尤其是使用實例可能比較合適. 你的工作範圍總是用正確的公約.
2007-03-26 5:31 pm
You have been asked by the new CEO to write:

1. A management report of about 1500 words outlining what you see as the most significant "People Management" problems in this organisation, bearing in mind the business aims and objectives that have been agreed with the Directors.
This report must make references to appropriate theory and outline the benefits of adopting an HR approach and recommendations for change
This report must explain why you recommend any action and how you would involve and consult with stakeholders in the implementation of any changes. You must explain which writers on HR matters would support or not support your justification for these actions.
You will need to research appropriate literature and make use of the lecture unput. Use examples and in particular any organisational comparisons that may be appropriate. Always reference your work using the correct conventions.

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