
2007-03-26 8:36 am
1. 打單釘、汽釘崗位應使用保護眼罩 ~~ 已購買使用

2. 成品倉貨物称重 (反恐方面 : 成品倉中無貨物重量標誌的需隨機称重標誌) ~~ 已改善

3. 新產品產前會議記錄,組織討論 ~~ 已在進行之中

4. 員工訪談 : 員工加班時間不得超過36小時,加班時薪資一樣,沒有分節日及假日。員工反映一個星期只有休息半天或一天 ~~ 已按勞動合同法中相關規定進行計薪

5. 工資表反映計時,但員工反映計件 ~~ 已按勞動合同法中相關規定進行計薪

回答 (3)

2007-03-26 7:08 pm
1. Plays the single nail, screw steam has been taken out posts should be used to protect the use of goggles ~ ~
2. Weighing finished goods warehouse (CTC : the weight of finished goods warehouse no signs of demand were weighing signs) ~ ~
3 has improved. new products prenatal record
4 ~ ~ organize discussions were already under way. Interview : staff overtime hours shall not exceed 36 hours. overtime pay, we did not have festivals and holidays. Staff only get half-day a week or one day ~ ~ according to the relevant provisions of the labor contract law pay
5. Payroll reflect the time, but staff members piece ~ ~ labor contract law has provisions related pay
2007-03-26 8:42 am
1. 打單 nails, the steam nail posts should use protection blinkers eyeshade ~~ to purchase use 2. end products warehouses cargo 称 Heavy (instead fears the aspect: In the end product warehouse 無貨 the weight symbolizes needs stochastic 称 The heavy symbol) ~~ improved 3. new products pre-natal council book, the organization discusses ~~ already in carrying on 4. staffs 訪談: The staff overtime must surpass for 36 hours, when working overtime the salary is same, has not divided the holiday and the holiday. The staff reflected a week only has the rest quite a while or day ~~ has been connected the stipulation according to the work contract law in to carry on counts the firewood 5. 工資表 reflections time, but the staff reflected by the piece ~~ has been connected the stipulation according to the work contract law in to carry on counts the firewood
參考: me
2007-03-26 8:42 am
1.Blackmails the nail, the steam nail post should use protection blinkers eyeshade ~~ to purchase the use.

2.The end product warehouse cargo calls (the anti-terrorist aspect heavily: In the end product warehouse the non-cargo weight symbolizes must call stochastically the heavy symbol) ~~ improved.

3.The new product pre-natal council book, the organization discusses ~~ already in march.

4.Staff interview: The staff overtime does not have to surpass for 36 hours, when working overtime the salary is same, has not sectionalized Japan and the holiday.The staff reflects for a week only then to rest quite a while or day ~~ has been connected the stipulation according to the work law of contract in to carry on counts the firewood.

5.Payroll reflection time, but the staff reflected by the piece ~~ has been connected the stipulation according to the work law of contract in to carry on counts the firewood.

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