Canon 400D+17-85 IS USM or Nikon D 80 kit is better ?

2007-03-26 8:09 am
I would like to buy a DSLR which is not too heavy but with very good picture quality+ easy to use. Could u give me the pros and cons for these two.

Thanks for those replied. I like 30D kit. But, it is too heavy and too expensive. That is why I pick 400D body + 30D kit len. I like D80 too but it does not have shock proof system......... anyone can give me more advice ?

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 1:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well, it is a choice of system more than which one is good ...
I am a landscape guy, so I like Canon more ... because of its straightforward handling ... and more IS zoom lens ....
if you go to a sport event, it is very easy to see so many L lens (white zoom) there
and all are Canon gang, no Nikon ...
But I like Nikon focus system, and internal drive motor and better built quality,
the color is more vivid in portrait ...
it is a perference ...
both are good ... if you know photography ...
some 400D in above link ... (mixed with pana)
hope all help
2007-03-27 7:57 pm
如果你要easy contorl 就一定買 Nikon D80, 幾實以N C 兩家計
D80比 400D 高左一級, D80應等同於 30D 呢一個level, 400D 就係 D40, D50 同一級數

D80 比 起 30D, 400D, 都好用, 因為Nikon 對中階系列機種(即係D80)用家好好
有雙轉盤, 控制方便
D80 的Viewfinder (即係你睇住黎影相個位)好光, 好清, 我自己用緊5D(比D80高級) 都覺得 D80 仲清過我自己部機

D80 kit 出左黎d 相個人認為比 17 85 IS 靚(幾實唔同機身, 唔同感光器, 所以咁講有小小唔公平)
但係Canon支 17 85 有防手震(IS)D80 kit 無

講picture quality 我覺得 D80 絕對可以接受, 係 ISO800 時表現依然良好
不過高iso 有好表現一定係Canon, 佢地自己研發個Cmos 感光器咁多年黎都好靚(仲要越黎越靚), Nikon就要同人買(I forget sony or fujisi...)
不過D80 已經好ok

另外, Nikon D 色水會實"正"d (即係硬) sharp d , 所以一般都會話Nikon影景靚d
Canon 偏柔和同自然所以話佢影人靚
不過我個人認為, 你識用的話兩部都可以影到好相

Canon 用CF Card
Nikon 多數都用CF Card, 不過d80 就要用SD....

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