
2007-03-26 7:21 am
blood checking 做腎功能常規檢查
聽人講腎功能may o係50%以下驗血都驗唔到d咩ca wo!

回答 (2)

2007-03-29 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Usually the body check for "腎功能" only cover blood urea and creatinine
Occasionally, they also check for urine (urinalysis) and microscopy
Deterioration of creatinine is a very late finding for those with kidney problem but the blood test is simple and low cost (therefore, it is usually regularly)
The urine test result (presence of protein/ blood/ blood cell/ cast) based on microscopy and test paper will be a better and earlier indicator of kidney problem.
Another test is the 24 hr urine for creatinine/ protein/ microalbumin
If the initially urine test if abnormal and you are very very worry about kidney problem, this 24 hr urine test will be more accurate but it is time consuming (because you need to collect 24 hr urine).
Ultrasound screening is another test commonly performed in private hospital/ clinic but sensitivity to pick up very early kidney disease is lower than rountine urine test
Hope can help you
2007-03-26 7:31 am
驗血只是初步的檢查, 驗出來冇事並不表示完全沒事, 如果你去如厠時覺得刺痛, 就可能要再更進一步的尿液檢查, 或X-RAY 檢查, 或超聲波, 或內規鏡檢查, 更詳細的話更要做磁力共振, 以及用內規鏡取樣本

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