
2007-03-26 5:53 am
theme :healthy living(oral) 1分鐘
1.who is your idol? why have you chosen him/her to be your idol?
2.do you think idol workshipping is healthy? why or why not?
3.what are some qualities an idol should possess?why do you say that?
4.do you think pop stars are good role models for teenagers?why or why not?

回答 (2)

2007-04-07 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. (give the name of your idol)
I have chosen him/her to be my idol because he/she is hardworking. serious in her performing career (if he/she is a movie star or singer), nerve give up. always helping people, doing a lot of charitable work, have a healthy living style...
2. I think idol workshipping is healthy because I can the good behaviour of my idol and learn from him/her.
I don't think idol workshipping is healthy because it will affect my study and waste my time.
3. an idol should be honest, hardworking. have good behaviour, treating people nice.
I say that if an idol possess such good qualities, he/she can set a good example for his/her fans to follow.
4. Pop stars could be good role models for teenagers if they possess good qualities and have good behaviour. Otherwise, they may impost bad impact on the teenagers.
參考: me
2007-03-26 7:44 pm
the link above can give you enough hints to start an essay with idol worship...
good luck la

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