runescape quest! how to do shield of arrav?

2007-03-26 5:49 am
(use chiense answer)

回答 (4)

2007-03-28 3:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 先到 Varrock Palace (Varrock Square 北)的Library (一入去那層,向北行就到)
2. Talk to Reldo
3. 跟住你要o向個 library 入面“search bookcase”,好像在第二行bookcases中間的位置,你會找到一本由 A R Wright作的“The Shield of Arrav”
4. 你再同Reldo talk 的話佢會話你知有關 Phoenix Gang的事
5. 再出 Palance同o向 Varrock Square 右手面的 Fur Trader talk,他會告訴你Phoenix Gang的位置(好像要俾錢佢)
6. 其實Phoenix Gang在Varrock 最南面間屋內(Varrock南門向右行)有個“!”的位置,入到去“climb down ladder”,再同守著門口的人talk
7. 要成為他們的一員,你要到Varrock 的Blue Moon Inn(在Varrock general store 的南面,見到mini map中的啤酒標誌就係)找出Jonny-the-Beard,殺了他後會有份report,把report交給那個守門人後他會俾條key你,你可以入到最入面的那間房(最西南面),打開個chest會找到一半shield part
8. 找一個未開過呢個quest的人幫手,叫他和Tramp (Varrock南門向北行一陣就見到)talk,叫他問佢“what’s down the alley”,那兒是Phoenix Gang的敵對Black Army Gang的總部
9. 叫你的partner入去Black Army Gang那兒和個女仔(Katrine)talk,跟住你俾條key你個partner,後到varrock東南方有一間lock住的屋,用條key 開門入去上二樓扲兩個crossbows,再拎番去俾katrine, 終於可以打開度門上樓梯,到cupboard拿另一半的shield
10. 叫你partner把那另一半shield俾你,或者你交你o個part 俾佢,總之其中一個有齊兩塊shield parts,把shield交俾Varrock Museum (Varrock Palance的東面,)中的Curator,佢會俾兩份certificate你,你就俾番一張certificate俾幫過你的partner,一齊去Varrock Palance的King (一入去轉右)完成個quest啦!


圖五‧俾Cert. 你的那個人位置
有任何有關Runescape的問題可按入我的檔案找小妹的msn / email。
參考: 小妹經驗囉~~^^
2007-04-08 6:56 am
Walk to the Varrock Castle Library and ask Reldo if he's got any quests for you. He will begin talking about the Shield of Arrav and asks you to find a book on one of the shelves. (Make your friend do this quest along with you, it will prove helpful in the end.)

Find the book, read it. it will talk about the Gangs: Black Arm and Phoenix. Return to Reldo, he will tell you to go to Baraek.

Baraek is in the marketplace, he will only agree to tell you about the gang for 20 coins (cheap scum). Pay him and he will tell you about the gang.

Go talk to the Tramp in the alley south of the Sword shop in Varrock. Ask him what's behind the alley. He will tell you about the Black Arm gang.

Choosing your gang:
I chose the Black Arm gang because it was easier, but you can choose whichever one you want, so have your friend choose a different gang from the one you chose. Each gang member has different tasks. These gang affiliations will also be used in future quests.

Black Arm Gang:

If you chose Black Arm then Katrine will tell you to steal some Phoenix crossbows, this is where your friend comes in.

Have your friend go to the Blue Moon Inn and kill Jonny the beard (level 2). Retrieve the Scroll and have him go to the Phoenix Gang headquarters and talk to the gang leader (located in a small house where it will be marked by a dungeon icon on your map).

The Phoenix Gang leader will give your friend a key to the Phoenix Gang's weapon storehouse (located in a house to the east of the Gang dungeon entrance). Have your friend retrieve some Phoenix crossbows from the armory and give them to you. Also make sure your friend grabs the other part of the Shield from the Phoenix Gang dungeon.

Now that you have the crossbows, talk to Katrine and tell her about the crossbows, then enter the upper area of the gang house and search the cupboard to retrieve the Shield half.

Talk to the King and he will tell you to go to the museum to show the Curator. The Curator will give you 2 scrolls.

Take the scrolls back to the King and claim your reward.

Phoenix Gang:

Starting the Phoenix Gang again talk to Baraek he will tell you about the quest. Go to the Gang headquarters and talk to Straven, he'll ask you to kill Jonny the beard and take the Scroll. Go to the Blue Moon Inn and kill Jonny the beard (level 2). He drops a Scroll ("An intelligence report.") Grab it.

Take the Scroll to the Phoenix Gang's headquarters. It is marked by a large dungeon icon on your map in the southern area of Varrock, southwest of Aubury.

Go down the ladder and talk to the gang leader Straven. He will talk and talk about VTM Corporation. Tell him you know who they really are.

He says okay, then ask him if you can join. He says you have to kill an agent and bring his intelligence scroll; you already have that.

Give the Scroll to Straven and he'll let you inside. Get the Shield from the chest in the bedroom, and make your friend get the other part in the Black Arm gang HQ.

P.S. I got this from, you can go there to look for quests.
參考:, me,
2007-03-31 11:28 pm
1.和Reldo説話(他在Varrock palace的圖書館)
2.你要在圖書館的bookcase裏面找一本書叫shield of arrav
4.下去Blue Moon Inn(Varrock的酒巴)後面的duegeon
5.和duegeon裏面的一個叫Staven的人説話(要和他說I like to offer your services)
6.去殺Blue Moon Inn裏面的Johnny the Beard(level 2),然後拿起scroll,再把scroll拿給Staven
7.Staven會給你一個key,拿到了key後,進去Pheonix gang的基地(duegeon裏面有道門,打開了後就是Pheonix gang的基地)
8.Pheonix gang的基地裏有一個chest,把那個chest打開,再search那個chest,你會找到一個broken shield(shield of arrav)
9.去duegeon旁邊的一個鎖了門的一個房子(用Pheonix gang的key來開了那個門的鎖
10.爬裏面的梯子,再把Weapon master(level 23 )殺了,然後把地上的兩個Phoenix Crossbow檢起來
11.把兩個Phoenix Crossbow給一個你相信他的人(他一定要還沒做完shield of arrav和沒開始做shield of arrav)
12.叫他加入Black Arm Gang(Black Arm Gang在Tramp後面)
13.叫他找另外一半的shield of arrav,然後給你
14.和Varrock palace裏面的一個叫King Ronald説話
15.King Ronald要你把shield of arrav給Varrock的博物館,所以你要把shield of arrav給Varrock的博物館
16.你把shield of arrav給Varrock的博物館後,再回去Varrock palace和King Ronald説話
2007-03-26 6:51 am
以上指示應該冇錯= =
參考: 我

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