唔該 可唔可以幫我翻譯成英文呀 最起碼文法要岩 十萬個唔該

2007-03-26 4:57 am
唔該 可唔可以幫我翻譯成英文呀 十萬火急呀
其實個係我份功課 我唔想咁求其 最起碼文法要岩啦 十萬個唔該

早上,你可以去米埔自然保護區, 你去果度可以答巴士, 果度充滿綠色大自然 , 又有新鮮既空氣 . 你去度可以睇到黑臉琵鷺, 米埔素有觀鳥天堂的美譽,每年秋冬時份,不難發現成千上萬冬候鳥到來米埔過冬.
下午,你可以去北大嶼 山 睇中 華 白 海 豚 海 豚 喜 愛 在 藍 天 碧 海 間 追 逐 嬉 戲,一定令你大開眼界. 那時,你又可以給些食物給白 海 豚, 亨受當中既樂趣.

回答 (3)

2007-03-26 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mai Po Wetlands is one of the choice to visit in the moning. You can go there by bus. This nature is full of green and the atmosphere is full of fresh. Some of the Black-faced Spoonbills will appear on this place. Mai Po, known as the Heaven of Bird Watching. Every autumn and winter, you can be likely to see thousands and tens of bird migradtions come and live a life of winter in Mai Po.
North of Lantau is also a choice to visit in the afternoon, where you can see the Chinese White Dolphins. They like to play in that beautiful sight of the ocean under the blue sky. It must give you a surprise. At the same time, feed the dolphins will be your enjoyment.

2007-03-26 22:06:45 補充:
"Mai Po Wetlands is one of the choice to visit in the morning. "
2007-03-26 7:24 pm
In the morning, you can go to the Mai Po Nature Reserve, you can say we degrees bus, we remain full of green nature. there is fresh air. degree you can stick some Black-faced Spoonbill, the Mai Po's reputation as a paradise for bird-watchers known each autumn and winter hours. Mai Po is easy to see the arrival of thousands of migratory birds winter winter. 1. You can go to the North Lantau white Air China Sea dolphins in the blue sea dolphin loves Pitt Strait day pursuit by frivolous drama, will bring you an eye-opener. At that time, you can give more food to the White Sea dolphin, which is fun by Ma.
2007-03-26 7:07 pm
You can spend the morning in Mai Po Nature Reserves. You can go there by bus, and enjoy the greenness of the environment and fresh air. (If you are lucky,) you can also see the black-faced spoonbill. Well-known as a paradise for birdwatchers, Mai Po welcomes tens of thousands of migrating birds during the autumn and winter months every year.

In the afternoon, you can go to North Lantau for a spectacle of the Chinese white dolphin's chasing game. You can also feed the dolphins and enjoy the extraordinary experience.


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