8級鋼琴aural 問題, 好希望有人幫到我 , 唔明白d terms

2007-03-26 4:28 am
有關aural D part 的texture, 我有一d terms 唔明白究竟呢d詞, 係有咩特徵的呢, 彈奏出黎會有點的效果呢, 又係咪有d 其實係有兩個叫法, 或者效果音調織體係差不多呢?

1. pointillism (點描法)
2. broken chords
3. figurations (跟 chords??係咪相反)
4. imitative writing (模倣)
5. counterpoint
6. false relation
7. contrapuntal
8. chordal
9. melody and accompaniment
10. walking bass
11. ground bass
12. fugal writing
13. part writing
14. pedal point
15. variation
13. highly ornamented , embellished cadence

(其實係我買左本有關arual d part 的書睇, 見到佢有d terms, 但冇詳加解釋, 所以睇極都唔知佢講乜, 完全理解唔到.)

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1). pointillism (點描法) - 20th century music feature, usually appeared in very short,
detached note structure, listen more to Debussy;s music you will get an idea of
what it's about
2). broken chords - playing the chords notes one by one( one after the other)
3) figurations (跟 chords??係咪相反) - usually indicates the chord /phrase structure,
depends on how th question is asked
4) imitative writing (模倣)- usually indicates by similar phrase structure
5) counterpoint - Bach's music is a very good example of counterpoint
6) false relation - You will hear some very dissonant notes sounding together
7) contrapuntal - Bach's music is a very good example of contrapuntal
8) chordal - Brahms' music, or Traditional Church has many chordal structure example
9) melody and accompaniment- melody is the most attractive part of music, usually
appeard in the right hand, accompaniment is the less attractive part of music,
usually appeard in the left hand, accompaniment is
10) walking bass - similar to ground bass
11) ground bass - short music phrase structure that is repeated oftenly from the
bass part
12) fugal writing - Bach's music is a very good example of fugal writing
13) part writing - same as fugal writing, writing music in two or more melodic part.
14) pedal point - the part that need to use the pedal
15) variation - composition that based on a theme to develop in different parts.
16) highly ornamented , embellished cadence - example is the acciacatura, appogiatura,
perfect cadence etc.

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2007-03-26 01:33:16 補充:
8) chordal - Brahms' music, or Traditional Church music has many chordal structure example
參考: Advanced Professional Diploma in Music Performance(CUHK), my years of learning experience
2007-03-26 7:45 am
如果你想學得全面 d, 明多 d, 見議你搵老師教, 因為我覺得你有太多唔識, 同埋 aural 係考聽, 唔此係理論 ga, 不過又真係好少老師教8級aural.
不如我介紹一個老師比你, 佢 lee 方面係專家, 教得十分之好, 以下網站有老 d 資料.


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