和 英文點講???
回答 (5)
I asked Andrew to the company and waiters
the" I will not have to consider not only your application
我地公司而家請侍應: Our vacancies for waiter/waitress have just been occupied by others.
我地唔會考慮你既申請: As such, the consideration of your application is postponted at the moment until new vancanies appear.
The position of waiter(s)/waitress(es) is opened for application now. or
We are now recruiting suitable canidate(s) for the position of waiter(s)/waitress(es).
I am sorry to inform you that your application will not be considered at the moment.
參考: me
<我地公司而家請侍應>This company engages the waiter now.
<我地唔會考慮你既申請>We will not consider your application.
參考: 自己
Now our company invites waiter
We don't think about your application
參考: me ge English
收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:49:12
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