✔ 最佳答案
1. Who is the boy over there?
Who在這句中指"the boy".意思是問"在那兒的男孩是誰?"
2. Whose dog is this?
Whose在這句中指"dog", 意思是問"這隻狗是誰的?"
a. 這種句子不單簡化了所需的文字, 而且可用來描述特定的人/物, 作分辨之用.(Identifying)
1. The man, who is talking to my mother, is handsome.
who在這句, 代替了the man, 好讓筆者不用寫兩次, 其實等於:
The man is talking to my mother. The man is handsome.
2. The girl, whose bag is black, is my sister.
Whose在這句, 代替了"her bag" = The girl is my sister. Her bag is black.
b. 筆者巳知道人/物, 所以who/whose不是用作分辨, 只是提供額外資料(non-identifying):
1. My best friend is Mary who looks like Kelly.
= My best friend is Mary. My best friend/Mary looks like Kelly.
2. My best friend is Mary whose mother is a nurse.
= My best friend is Mary. My best friend's/ Mary's mother is a nurse.