時 日 月 年
庚 辛 癸 辛
寅 丑 巳 酉
辛金日巳月生, 是否身弱? 但四柱比劫多, 本人初學八字不知應取木或火為用神.
另外,男友為 1981. 7.5 日生. 是否取水/ 木為新居顏色對二人較好?
希望高人指點, 萬分感謝!!!
Thank you very much for answering my query. Sorry for my delayed reply as i am out of Hong Kong at the moment and it's a bit difficult to find a computer which can see chinese characters properly.
And pls also excuse me as i do not have chinese input now and can only copy and paste some chinese characters. TO 點醒你及妳 Thank you for your explanation, i used to think that 身旺身弱 depends on 月支.
to 飯盒, i've read that website too.. i agree to a part of it but not all.. i did have this problem -- "呼吸系統機能比較弱,容易呼吸不順,感冒咳嗽,或有氣喘等症狀" but not "肝膽機能也比較弱,容易疲累,體力差,要注意膽固醇,三酸甘油酯的問題。"
to 正宗八字論命人 – 楊先生, thank you for your answer. I found it very true that 2004 and 1997 are not bad years for me. In 2004, i changed my job and got quickly promoted 3 months later.
(cont) I stayed in that job till now and i still think that it's a great career and i have been promoted a few times since then. I was doing my HKCEE exam in 1997 and i got not a bad result at all despite that i was having a rather bad and tiring relationship with my boy friend then.
(cont) but 楊先生, i am getting a bit confused now.. what should i do with my new house? should i move or should i not move? and which colour should i choose for the wall colour and house decoration?
(cont) and for my 喜忌神, according to your explanation, i 喜陰土, 忌陽火, 陽水... then should i paint my house light yellow?? but i found that i am not very comfortable in light yellow environment.
My job needs a lot of travel and one of the hotels i always stay in is of light creamy yellow colour and i always feel tired and not very well after staying in that hotel.
And once again, i really would like to thank all of you who answered my question for your time and effort. i really appreciate all your help.
另外, 男友八字為: 時 日 月 年 乙 甲 甲 辛 丑 申 午 酉 什麼新居顏色對二人較好? 萬分感謝!!!