英文文法[countable and uncountable nouns and pharses]

2007-03-26 1:22 am
1. 以下有兩句句子, 邊句先岩? 點解?
a. Kate has less noodles in the afternoon than in the evening.
b. Kate has fewer noodles in the afternoon than in the evening.

noodles, meat 應該係countable 定係uncountable?

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
noodles的意思是一堆"面", 是uncountable noun,
想要表違數量, 唯有借助其它文字, 例如: two bowls of noodles.以幾多碗來表達.

其實很多uncountable nouns都是這樣的, 例如:
2 cubes of ice
2 peices of paper
2 slices of cake
2 boxes of match
2 bags of rice

記著上面的組合, 不可以胡亂配置的, 否則會不倫不類
參考: me
2007-03-26 1:46 am
參考: me

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