history : The Second World War

2007-03-26 1:20 am
Fill in the blank:

5. Chamberlain, the rime Minister of Britain, made the ________ Agreement with Hitler in 1938 to settle the crisis over Czechoslovakia.

8. Hitler's policy to re-militatize ______ in 1936 was the frist repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles.

回答 (1)

2007-03-26 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
5. Chamberlain, the rime Minister of Britain, made the (Munich) Agreement with Hitler in 1938 to settle the crisis over Czechoslovakia.

8. Hitler's policy to re-militatize (Rhineland) in 1936 was the frist repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles.

2007-03-25 18:27:17 補充:
5) Britain's Chamberlain and France's Daladier held a meeting with Hitler in Munich in 29/9/1938.8)Hitler's invasion and re-militarization on the Rhineland. However, Britain and France did nothing to check Hitler's aggression.
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