
2007-03-26 12:40 am
"Suppose you have two numbers. The difference of the two numbers is 12. The product of the two numbers is 17. Multiply the larger of the two numbers by 100, add 50 times the smaller number to that, round the total to the nearest whole number, and that's my price."

How much does she want for the Ghostkerbomb?

回答 (1)

2007-03-26 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Suppose you have two numbers. The difference of the two numbers is 12. The product of the two numbers is 17. Multiply the larger of the two numbers by 100, add 50 times the smaller number to that, round the total to the nearest whole number, and that's my price."

How much does she want for the Ghostkerbomb?
Let the two number is x and y (x>y)
So y(12+y)=17
y=1.2801 or -13.2801 (rejected)
x=13.2801 or -1.2801 (rejected)
The price
=1392 (round the total to the nearest whole number)
So the price she want for the Ghostkerbomb is $1392

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:53:35
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