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2007-03-26 12:40 am
  截至2005年12月31日,共68個政府部門聘用了15,687名全職非公務員合約(NCSC)僱員,比2004年上升了6%。聘用超過300名的共有11個部門,與上一年相同。其中,機電工程署Electrical and Mechanical Services Department增聘了17.4%、教育統籌局Education and Manpower Bureau16.4%及郵政署14.8%、增幅為各部門之冠、亞、季。

回答 (3)

2007-03-26 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
As at 31st December 2005, a total of 68 governental bureaus have hired a number of 15,687 full-time non-civil-servant contract staff (NCSC), representating an increase of 6% as compared to 2004. Same as last year, a total of 11 bureaus have employed over 300 staff. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department's employee increase rate is 17.4%, ranking the first amongst all departments. The first-runner up is the Education and Manpower Bureau, with an increase of 16.4% and while the second runner-up goes to the Post Office, with an increase of 14.8%.
參考: me
2007-03-26 4:10 am
截至05年12月31日,共68個政府部門聘用了15,687名全職非公務員合約截至20 (NCSC)僱員,
Up to 31st December, 2005, there are totally 68 government departments having employed 15,687 full-time non-civil servant contract staff.

It is increased by 6% comparing to 2004.
There are totally 11 departments that have employed exceeding 300 staff respectively. This is the same as the number of last year.
其中,機電工程署Electrical and Mechanical Services Department增聘了17.4%、
Among these departments, The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department increases its employments by 17.4%. It ranks the first.

教育統籌局Education and Manpower Bureau16.4%及郵政署14.8%、
The second comes The Education and Manpower Bureau that increases its employments by 16.4%. And, The Postal Bureau becomes the third as it increases its employments by 14.8%.

P>S>(增幅為各部門之冠) This sentence is cancelled because it is not so clear when it comes at the last.
2007-03-26 12:55 am
Up to December 31th in 2005, total 68 government sections employed 15,687 full-time non- public official the contract(NCSC) employee, compare 2004 rose 6%. {Up to December 31th in 2005, total 68 government sections employed 15,687 full-time not public official's contract(NCSC) employee, rose 6% than 2004. / Up to December 31th in 2005, total 68 government sections employed 15,687 full-time not public official's contract(NCSC) employee, compared to rise 6% in 2004.} Employment over 300 have 11 sections totally, with last a year homology. {Employment over 300 have 11 sections totally, and last a year homology. / Employ over 300 there are 11 sections totally, with last a year homology.} Among them, the electrical engineering office Electrical and Mechanical Services Department increases to hire 17.4%, educates the orchestration bureau Education and Manpower Bureau 16.4% and postal service office 14.8%, increases as the hat of each section, second, season. {Among them, the electrical engineering office Electrical and Mechanical Services Department increases to hire 17.4%, educates to orchestrate bureau Education and Manpower Bureau 16.4% and postal service office 14.8%, increases as the hat of each section, second, season. / Among them, the electrical engineering office Electrical and Mechanical Services Department increases to hire 17.4%, educates and orchestrates bureau Education and Manpower Bureau 16.4% and postal service office 14.8%, increases as the hat of each section, second, season.}

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