中譯英 part 1

2007-03-26 12:18 am

資產制度有時可以造成不公平的現象,我們承認。資產的造成本來是由於個人的聰明才力,所以資產本來是人的身心勞動的報酬;但是資產成為制度以後,往往富者愈富,貧者愈貧.We acknowledge that property system may create unfair phenomenon. The property is originally created as a result of people’s own intelligent ability, therefore it initially is the reward for people’s effort of body and mind. But, when the property becomes a system, it is often that the rich are getting richer while the poor are becoming poorer.

回答 (1)

2007-03-26 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上你係無譯錯, 但係希望你唔好介意, translation唔係咁的....

i would suggest u as follow:

We have to admit that there is sometimes inequality under the property system.

The creation of property is literally the result of one's wisdom, therefore, property is actually the fruit of one's mental and physical efforts. However, when property has become to a system, the rich is often turning to be even rich, while the poor tend to turn to even poor.
參考: NR ninja :)

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