如何在電話中向外國酒店問room rate 及 book 房?! (in english)

2007-03-26 12:12 am
可以詳細道出點樣用英文打電話去問room rate?!

到決定需要book 1間double room.2間standand room又點問呢?

回答 (2)

2007-03-26 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你要講明要咩房種同幾時check in 同out.
Could you quote me the room rate for a double room and standard room?
I will be checking in on 1 April and checking out on 4April.
因為酒店日日既價格都可能有浮動. 唔同房租既價錢都唔同.

2. I would like to reserve for a double room and two standard rooms. Can you do the reservation for me now?
唔係間間酒店都會接受電話預約, 所以你要問清楚先.

1. 如果你要指明non-smoking floor(不過唔係間間酒店都有待, 就要問清楚:
Could you reserve the rooms on non-smoking floor for me?

2. 問下check-in 同out既時間, 方便你安排搭邊班機
When can I check in and out?

3. 問下有冇breakfast 同接送服務
Would breakfast and airport transfer be included in the room rate?

4. 如果可以電話book 房, 佢可能會問你你既nationality.
I come from Hong Kong. /I am holding a HKSAR passport.
參考: 做過旅行社
2007-03-26 12:17 am
May I get the information about the room rate of your hotel as i am planning to go to the city taht your hotel is locating? Would you please tell me how much for a double room? Will it include breakfast?
Any surcharge for the peak season?

Fine, May i book the following rooms right now?
I wannt to book a double room and two standard room in the phone. Please kindly tell me whether i can use my credit card or something to reserve them for me.

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