紅酒中的sulfite 或sulphite

2007-03-25 11:47 pm
許多紅酒上標明含有sulfite 或sulphite(亞硫酸鹽) 是什麼意思? 是否一種防腐劑?

回答 (1)

2007-03-26 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
係有防腐作用. 而且如果佢寫得出黎成份表, 又有 E-number, 即屬於添加劑. 其實提子本身都有, 不過可能唔夠多.
Sulphites (E220 - E227) - Wine and beers cannot be made without the natural formation of sulphites. Further sulphites are also deliberately added to inhibit the growth of undesirable yeast species and to prevent secondary fermentation.
Sulphites are found naturally in grapes, as nature's way of preventing microbial growth. Wine makers have been adding sulphites to wine since the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. They allow the wine to last longer and let it age and develop the complex flavours. Usually a no-sulphite-added wine could only last 18 months. Therefore might be suitable for sauvignon blanc and some chardonnays.


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