英文寫作 My favourite place

2007-03-25 10:24 pm
英文寫作 My favourite place

回答 (3)

2007-03-25 10:42 pm
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There are lots of things to

do and see in Hong Kong

My favourite place is Ocean Park

We can go to there by bus

We can surf the internet and

find the information of this place

I went to Ocean Park last october

Ocean Park opens at ten o'clock

closes at eight o'clock in the evening

I went to Ocean Park with my family

We can go to there play more game

I like Ocean Park because Ocean Park

is very fun and fantastic

I hope you will go to Ocean Park
2007-03-25 10:39 pm
My favourite place is Japan. In my opinion Japan is the most up to date country, there is

always something new invented everyday. Although it is a extremly busy and up to date

country, but you are still able to find the cultural side of this well populated place. The

beautiful ancient temple in every city is a must go place for any tourist. The Shopping is

irresistable there, those big department stores has basically everything you would need

. Moreover, the delicious food in Japan is something that i desire the most. The fresh

fish sashimi, the hand-made sushi, the unique ramen and many other foods. Another

reason why Japan is attractive is because of the cleaness of the the country and the

politeness of the people. Unlike other country, Japan is clean and tidy even though it is

a busy country. The politeness of the people is like a welcome sign for tourist as we feel

welcome and respected. I wish one day I will be able to travel to my favourite country to



After leaving Plettenburg Bay i went to Jefferies Bay. I have been to J Bay before and had a fantastic time with Helen, Clare and Neil, and so the second time round was simply not as good!! Had some nice days on the beach though, and met up with Henka and Timo once again. Its was very enjoyable watching them attempt to surf! They kept falling off!

My favourite place however, was Cinsa! Such a great place! I stayed at Buccaneers, which has such a nice vibe about it. There are lots of little cottages set around two bars and a beach! I stayed in a dorm with Jen (who i'd previously met in J Bay), and three english guys Alex, JP, and Dean. On the first afternoon (Friday), we waded across the stream to the little village of Cinsa, led by our guide Xena the dog! She knew exactly where to take us because the owner of the local shop feeds her sausages!! Me, Jen, Simon and the barman Anthony stopped and had a drink at the little cafe. The locals wer so friendly and really pleased to talk to the backpackers from accross the way (they knew where we were from because we were wet from the paddle accross the stream!!). Xena waited fro us and then took us home for free punch, volleyball, and a topless/bottomless party at the bar that evening (don't worry mum, girls wear bikini tops!!). It was a lovel evening, with really friendly people.
On the Saturday I headed down to the beach with Rich who taught me how to body board a bit better (ie. how to actually catch a wave!!), and we sunbathed and chilled out. We headed back for the volleyball in the evening, which i am really really bad at, but everyone was very encouraging! Another pleasant evening in the bar, with a great group of guys ended my time in Cinsa, but i would of loved to have stayed longer. Neil came and picked me up on Sunday (at which point i was lying on the beach with Dean hoping he wouldn't turn up till late on!) and we headed to Coffee bay and the coffee shack
參考: Yahoo
2007-03-25 10:37 pm
My favourite place is Hong Kong.I like it ,because i live in Hong Kong.Hong Kong's people are very busy.Hong Kong is a nice place, it have a lot of delicous food.So,i like Hong Kong.
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