
2007-03-25 8:50 pm
我今年15,在3-4個月前,我在school的比賽中做工作人員,有個同form 的boy 主動走來問我叫咩名,but比賽finish後他冇再find me. but after this,我開始有小小love him.
我不時去他classroom see吓他.我發現他次次都see返我.有1次(school)我在他opposite 行,他見到我後,特登行個大圈來see me.
後來我們再度一齊做工作人員,我們都有講有笑.仲tell me 他記得我叫咩名
綱友們,我想ask,他有冇love me and 我應該dim 先make him know i love him.
thank you!

回答 (4)

2007-03-25 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得佢應對你有好感,同埋如果照你咁講(不時去他classroom see吓他,而他次次都see返你)咁我覺得佢都feel到你對佢有feel,我睇你哋keep住聯絡,交換msn,phone等,感情應該好好,到時你5做主動,佢都會做la~^^
參考: myself
2007-03-25 9:17 pm
我覺得佢應對你有好感,u can ask him why he always ask u about ur things!
If u don't like,u can try to ask his friends !If u llove him,u can tell him!
try!don't give up!
2007-03-25 8:56 pm
he should like you la, love or not hard to tell ... he has interested in you is very true ...
You can treat him better, by asking him out for lunch or after school go to buy something in mall ...
then the more you see him, he will feel that .... always be confident !
if you are his cup of tea, he will finally realize you are always around him ...
let him do the rest, no need to say anything for now...
since you guys have chance to be together anyway.
good luck
2007-03-25 8:53 pm

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