How can I make the boy loves me?

2007-03-25 7:24 pm
I have fancy a boy for nearly 3 years!

And we are friends now!

Anyway,I know him he loves another girl,he loves her very much,as I know!

But the girl doesn't love him!

I think he should know ,but I think he still love her!(i think the boy knows me i love him)

I feel really poor!I am better then the girl~How can I make the boy loves me?

回答 (5)

2007-03-25 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
very simple, tell him like this ...
"XXXX, I know you love YYYY, for years, but YYYY have not give you any response, I feel so painful for you, because I love you, I want you to be happy, when everyday, I see you in pain and poorly loving her, while she is not responding to you, I feel more sad, because I am quietly in love with you for 3 years... " and see how he response ?

Don't over expect anything after saying this, if the boy is reasonable, he will know you at least care about him and love him ... he may consider you as a girlfriend slowly, if you are at least not that "bad" compare with the other girl ...
boy shift target very fast, so you have a big chance if you are confident.
hope all help
good luck
2007-04-06 7:37 pm
Detailed and useful!
2007-03-26 7:46 am
2007-03-25 9:44 pm
感情係唔可以迫的啊 ! ! !




你知啦! ! !

哈哈哈 ! ! !

2007-03-25 7:27 pm
you can buy the beautiful flower for her

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