
2007-03-25 7:23 pm
有一天,彼得和湯娒在大嶼山露營,他們有一個快樂時光,但是晚上,當他們在睡覺時聽到一些奇怪的聲音,於是他看到兩個人正在用鏟把地掘起,接著彼得和湯娒問那兩個人幹什麼,他們說:[我們現在尋找埋在下面的寶藏] 兩小時後,終於找到一張藏寶圖, 然後尋找寶藏的人失望地說:[這裡沒有寶藏,你們都是回去吧!]

三日後, 報紙的頭條稱:[ 兩個男人在大嶼山發現有寶藏o 他們感到好可惜o

回答 (4)

2007-03-25 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有一天,彼得和湯娒在大嶼山露營,他們有一個快樂時光,但是晚上,當他們在睡覺時聽到一些奇怪的聲音,於是他看到兩個人正在用鏟把地掘起,接著彼得和湯娒問那兩個人幹什麼,他們說:[我們現在尋找埋在下面的寶藏] 兩小時後,終於找到一張藏寶圖, 然後尋找寶藏的人失望地說:[這裡沒有寶藏,你們都是回去吧!]

三日後, 報紙的頭條稱:[ 兩個男人在大嶼山發現有寶藏o 他們感到好可惜o

One day, Peter and Tang camps out in Lantou Island, they have a happy hour, but evening, when they when sleeps hears some strange sounds, therefore he saw is turning to pick to two people with the shovel the place, then Peter and Tang 娒 asked that two people do any, they said: [We seek now bury after following buried treasure] two hours, finally found a Tibet valuable chart,Then seeks the buried treasure the human said disappointedly that,[Here does not have buried treasure, you all are go back!]

Three in the future, The newspaper head strip stated that,[Two men in Lantou Island discovered has buried treasure o they to feel is a pity o
參考: ME
2007-03-25 9:23 pm
One day, Peter and Tom camps out in somewhere on Lantau Island. they had happy hours. But when it came to night, they heard weird sounds while they were sleeping, they saw two guys were diggig up the land by a shovel. Then Peter and Tom asked what they were doing, ' We are finding the treasures beneath here.' they said. Two hous passed, finally got a treasure map, but then, ' There is nothing down here, go back you guys!' said two guys disappointedly

Three days later, on the headline of the newspaper, it said ' Two guys found treasure on Lantau Island, they felt pity.'
2007-03-25 7:58 pm
One day, Peter and Tommy-camping on Lantau, they have a wonderful time, but the evening, When they hear some strange sound sleep, he saw two people being put to use spade removed. Peter Tang Mei-and then asked two people to do, they said : [We] are now looking for buried treasures in the following two hours later, they finally found a Treasure map then disappointed to find treasure of treasures : [not here, you are Go sufferings three days after the newspaper's headline said : [Lantau two men found they were good Unfortunately o o treasures
2007-03-25 7:31 pm
One day, Peter and Tang? camps out in Lantou Island, they have a happyhour, but evening, when they when sleeping hears to some strangesounds, thereupon he saw is digging to two people with the shovel theplace, in addition Peter and Tang? asked that two people do any, theysaid: [ We now seek bury after the under buried treasure ] two hours,finally finds a Tibet valuable chart, then seeks the buried treasurethe person disappointedly said: [ Here does not have buried treasure,you all are go back! ] After third, the newspaper head strip stated that, [ Two men in LantouIsland discovered has buried treasure o they to feel is a pity o
參考: mine

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