
2007-03-25 9:08 am
本人沒有運动,想玩瑜珈請問边間好?旺角living you OK?同埋几多錢?

回答 (4)

2007-03-25 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do u means "Living Yoga"?? I know one of their brench is in Kwai Fong...its only about $3XX per month...but of course it depends on different consumer and different sales....I've been practising yoga for a year already in PURE yoga in Causeway Bay (They have another centre in Langham place 旺角郎豪坊 & TST...U can see 黃佩霞 teaches in Langham place, shes a good teacher). Anyway, never tried "Living Yoga" but i guess their price / marketing strategy is the same so it highly depends on what package(price) that their salesperson can offer you....But my sister asked their centre in Kwai Fong that only costs $3XX a month...much more cheaper than PURE!! Hope it helps u to have some ideas for your budget.

2007-03-25 02:01:32 補充:
OF COURSE I RECOMMEND PURE YOGA...The Pure Yoga, Living Yoga..Casear Yoga等等都會以月費形式收費仲包埋毛巾,瑜伽墊,儲物櫃等等..方便得很..但細規模如社區中心開辦的,都不會供應毛巾和瑜伽墊,亦只得一個課程計收費(例如$2xx得五堂) 又要就住課程的時間表上堂...太不方便了,但付的價錢一定比月費形式平
參考: Myself & my sister's enquiry to Living Yoga in Kwai Fong
2008-08-29 9:50 pm
Nowadays they have expanded service, and the place and changing room become tiny, althought most of the tutors are good, you feel difficult to relax in the place (Mongkok branch)
2007-03-25 9:29 am
我自己就o係尖咀Caesar玩緊高温瑜珈, 其他未試過, 已經玩咗兩年, 價錢我覺得都可以, 平均100蚊一堂, 包毛巾同locker, 有桑拿, 以前每逢上堂會送一支水, 不過宜家要自備, 但有水機可斟水. 課堂方面, 佢有好多類型, 如初級, 中級, 導師牌, 各種不同式子等....星期一至日任何時間任你選擇, 無時間日子限制. 而導師方面, 我嘗試過幾個, 但只有兩個我鍾意, 所以以後我book堂嘅時候只會揀佢哋嘅堂而book, 你可以去試玩吓先, 不過你試玩完個導師一定狂說你入會~~
參考: Myself
2007-03-25 9:16 am
香港瑜珈總會, 詳情請看:


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