
2007-03-25 8:46 am
有冇人可以講下3-3-4 eudcation..有咩pros and cons ar?
仲有small-class teaching 有咩pros and cons ar?

回答 (1)

2007-03-29 4:55 am
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有冇人可以講下3-3-4 eudcation..有咩pros and cons ar?

Pros: (1)can enjoy one more year university life than the old 3-4-3 system.(2)can imbibe more updated knowledge at university(3)university emphasizes on teaching students how to think and criticize.This helps university students to develop critical & logically thinking.(4)less year spend on secondary school means fewer subjects are required to learn. This signifies more extra-curricular activities will be available to students.
Cons(1)just a waste of money due to the high school fee in university. (2)in spite of grant & loan system, most of the university students whose family is not so rich will have a very great finanical burden for them. Since their university fees nearly come from loan not grant(3)in order to solve the finanical problem,some university students are doing their part time jobs. This implies that less time they will spend on their academic.

仲有small-class teaching 有咩pros and cons ar?
Pros:(1)teacher can pay more attention to those under achievers(成績差的學生) (2)teacher can help those gifted student (資優學生)to develop and understand their own strength. (3)The work-load of teachers will be reduced sharply. (4)more job vacancies can be produced which can reduce the umemployment and surplus teacher rate.
Cons:(1)More money is required to spend on education. (2)Less money will be spend on social welfare. (3)More teacher may not teach our students well. Since this depends on whether our teachers have rock-solid knowledge or not and whether they love their students or not.
After you state the points, give some daily examples to support your opinion is very important for you to score a high mark. An also remember that in composititon, quality is much more important than quantity
PS 我覺得大陸孕婦來港產子熱門一些.無論如何God bless you.

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