Nikon D80 定係 Canon 30D 好?

2007-03-25 7:54 am
i m a beginner, dont know how to use a proper camera...
Canon 30D 或 Nikon D80

Please give me some suggestion@@

Which one are better and Which one system are strong? (Canon 30D or Nikon D80)!! Thanks . because i want to buy

回答 (3)

2007-03-27 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你要easy contorl 就一定買 Nikon D80,

D80 比 起 30D好用, 因為Nikon 對中階系列機種(即係D80)用家好好
有雙轉盤, 控制方便
D80 的Viewfinder (即係你睇住黎影相個位)好光, 好清, 我自己用緊5D(比D80高級) 都覺得 D80 仲清過我自己部機

講picture quality 我覺得 D80 絕對可以接受, 係 ISO800 時表現依然良好
不過高iso 有好表現一定係Canon, 佢地自己研發個Cmos 感光器咁多年黎都好靚(仲要越黎越靚), Nikon就要同人買(I forget sony or fujisi...)
不過D80 已經好ok

另外, Nikon D 色水會實"正"d (即係硬) sharp d , 所以一般都會話Nikon影景靚d
Canon 偏柔和同自然所以話佢影人靚
不過我個人認為, 你識用的話兩部都可以影到好相

Canon 用CF Card
Nikon 多數都用CF Card, 不過d80 就要用SD....
2007-04-04 8:13 am
其實我好建議樓主了解自己想主要影d咩先,因為我見好多業餘攝影師,如果主要影人像的話,佢地就會用canon,如果主要影境同埋靜物既時候,就會用nikon.同埋個人認為,canon d鏡靚d,由其係小三元系列.
2007-03-25 1:23 pm
they are both good ....
30D is canon system
D80 is nikon system
they both are good and with good lens and skill,
take very good photos ...
you need to learn photography, before you handle those DSLR ...
otherwise, you may feel frustrated ...
they are both good, nikon or canon, is a system choice ....

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