lost in blue遊戲攻略

2007-03-25 7:50 am
我想知道lost in blue 入遺跡推磚流程?因為我在推木箱關無法突破

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-03-25 16:30:07 補充:
推完木箱,回到原先入口位的機關,企上去。有水湧入,令木箱浮升至你的水平, 成為一道浮橋;成功的話你會跳過對面,要快,及時企上對面的同樣機關,另一道門就會打開。不成功的話,即是你推的木箱不能接通對面,或者是你跳得太慢。如果搞了很久都未得,危及HP,就可以待水位回落,從牆邊地下水洞出草原古蹟外部,再找食物找飲水。要回到機關的話,又要費一輪勞力經火山湖過去了(這是我無計可施的笨做法…但照計由古蹟外部應該可以回去,不如試下爬上每舊大石上看看)。
2007-03-25 5:08 pm
Lost in Blue 是一個英文遊戲, 我想你不可能看不明白以下的英文攻略吧?

It starts off easy: push a box into a hole and a door opens. In the next room, you have to push some crates so that the two platforms on either side of the room and each of the 2 crates are only 2 squares apart from each other. Then step on the switch on the upper level and the room will fill up with water. You should be able to jump onto the floating blocks and make it across to the next room. On your way to the next room, you will stand on a switch, which will click down and freeze the room so that the puzzle is permanently done.

In the next room, you again need to get from one platform to the other, but this time there is only 1 crate and there is some concrete in the way of where that box would need to be in order to help you. Only it's not the big long slab of concrete that it looks like it is. It's 3 separate concrete blocks! Shuffle them around until the crate is on the top row in the middle. It doesn't matter where the concrete blocks end up. Stand on the switch near the door to fill the room with water. Be sure that you stand on top of the switch on the opposite platform for a few seconds once you get there to freezes the room.

After that, you will see there are two sets of 6 squares where you can push around crates like this (each dash is a square that a crate could rest on):


You want to make it like this:


That way you can jump across onto the lower right crate, walk up to the next crate, jump from that crate to the lower left crate, walk up to the upper left crate and jump left to the next platform. Again, stand on the switch on the opposite platform and wait until it clicks down.

In the next room, you do the exact same thing except this time there are concrete blocks around, which makes getting the crates in place a little slower and more annoying. However, it isn't very tricky.

The next one looks really hard, but it isn't. There are WAY more crates than you need to get across and the part in the middle where crates COULD be but aren't is just pointless. Just do what you normally do... make sure there is a crate every 1-2 spaces between the starting platform and the ending platform.

After that, it's a little trickier but still not that bad. What you are going for is this (x=crate, -=blank spot):


The next one... There are three important things to notice about this room. 1) If there is an empty space inside a ring of blocks/crates, you can climb over them and push them out from the middle, 2) You don't have to use the starting platform as your starting point, 3) You don't need all of the crates.

I can show you what my final configuration looked like. 1 is the starting platform, 2 is the end platform. Note that with this configuration, I jumped onto the first crate from the area right in front of the entrance, NOT from the starting platform

  ---- 1
2 -c--

The next one has blocks, crates and unmovable stone. Just slide a few blocks around and give it a try. Minimize the number of jumps you have to make because once you fill the room with water, you only have a few seconds before it starts draining.

Ok, one more! It takes place on a 5x5 grid and here's what my final product looked like (s=unmovable, b=block, c=crate):

2 cbbbb
  cbbcb 1

The key is the lower left corner, where there are only 2 blocks instead of 3. The idea is to get the concrete blocks out of the way as soon as possible while maintaining the mobility of each crate until you've placed it where you want it to stay. Once that's happened, pack as many blocks around it as you can because that makes room for you to move the other crates around.

Ok, now you are done with the puzzles

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