help me correct these sentences.

2007-03-25 4:10 am
1.I hoped certainly will become more outstandingly handsome,人地會開心一點(不懂譯),self-confident,but appearance since is already doomed,i can't to care about,because beautiful also has another kind of things,is kindhearted.
2.Right,i always not having confidence of my dress style,I always thought 無論怎樣千挑萬選,都不能着出心裏的那種感覺,我就是想穿着得整齊斯文,but my appearance truculent ,really make me feel dejected。

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In deed I hope I can be more outstand and handsome so that I become attractive to the others. Although appearance is doomed, I dont care about it becuase inner beauty, which is being kind-hearted and self-confident is more important.

I am not confident with my dressing stlye. Whatever clothes I choose, still, I cannot not express my feeling from my fashion. I want to dress more nicely; however, my apperance is not attractive, which make me dejected.

Actually it is really hard to understand what you mean, hopefully my translation is useful for your expression.
參考: my knowledge
2007-03-25 6:55 am

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