marketing plan - outline

2007-03-25 1:31 am
What is the correct order of the following elements in a marketing plan (many different versions are found from the web)? Please provide source of reference as well.

- 4Ps/7Ps
- Ansoff/ marketing strategy
- Gap analysis
- any other points

係咪先用PESTEL分析大環境, 再講下本身公司的4p, 然後用swot分析, 找出應有的strategy? 請高人指點!

回答 (1)

2007-03-25 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Starting from situational analysis (PESTEL or SWOT), you have to divide internal and external analysis (maybe not applied all of them).
Internal Analysis (Strength, Weakness & Financial)
External Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal & Competitor or Opportunities & Threats)

Find the Corporate Mission and Objectives, also Marketing Objectives and STP (Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)

Define the Marketing Strategy (by Ansoff or Porter's Generic or Competitive Advantages)

List out the strategy by Marketing Mix (4Ps / 7Ps) (maybe not used all of Ps)

Estimate the strategies outcomes and problems

End up with a scheduling implemenation and control plan

2007-03-24 19:51:04 補充:
以上六parts 是一個full strategic marketing plan 的內容o
參考: Myself (I've degree of marketing)

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