最近吃東西時心口會很痛 (吞的時候), 是不是有病?

2007-03-25 1:30 am
吞口水或喝水是沒事的, 可是一吃東西, 一吞到口心位置, 心口就會很痛, 要過一會才沒事, 我是不是有病??

回答 (1)

2007-03-25 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the same case recently....
I can't sleep well that I can't breathe smoothly
I consult doctor already and he said my 肋骨發炎...need take a rest for 2 weeks...

and some cases should be stomachache..
you should go to consult doctor and find the reason..

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