
2007-03-25 1:15 am
最近的一次是3月3日下午,阿富汗境內發生里氏6.5級地震,巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡、東部城市拉合爾及阿北部城市馬扎里沙里夫也受到影響, 印度首都新德里和印巴邊界處的克什米爾地區也有輕微震感,就連中國新疆巴楚縣的西克爾水庫也受阿富汗地震波及缺口,經3000軍民日夜奮戰堵壩截流,裂口終於合攏,數萬名少數民族群眾獲救。

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 1:26 am
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Afghanistan has the earthquake repeatedly:
In recently one time was on March 3 the afternoon, within the boundaries of Afghanistan has the 6.5 magnitude of earthquakes, Pakistan capital Islamabad, eastern part city Lahore and in the Arab League northern city camp stool sand Reeve also comes under the influence, Indian capital New Delhi and the India and Pakistan boundary Kashmir area also has the light microseism feeling, the Chinese Xinjiang Bachu county Sickel reservoir also received the Afghan earthquake to affect the gap, fought bravely after 3000 soldiers and civilians to stop up the dam day and night to dam the current, the opening finally closed up, tens of thousands of national minority populace were rescued.

On May 30, 1999, the tower Hall province encountered macroseism attack once more, in magnitude reaching as high as the 7 levels, created 5000 dead, some 50 villages are destroyed approximately.
In February 4, 1999, north Afghanistan outlying province tower Hall had the 6 magnitude of earthquakes, created 4200 dead at least, several thousand injured.
In 1998, the tower Hall province and the sound of smacking lips hertz still saved the area to have two times macroseism, altogether had 8500 people to get killed in these two earthquakes, the tens of thousands of houses are destroyed
2007-03-25 3:42 am
There are earthquakes frequently in Afghanistan:
It is the afternoon of March 3 to be recent, the earthquake magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale takes place within the territory of Afghanistan, Lahore of smooth capital Islamabad , Keith of Palestine , eastern city and Mazari-Sharif , northern city of A are influenced , there is slight seismaesthesia in New Delhi , capital of India and area of Kashmir of the place of Indian-Pakistani border, even Sickel reservoir of China Xinjiang Bachu county is involved the breach by the Afghan earthquake, the 3000 army and the people fought bravely to stop up the dam to dam day and night, the breach was closed up at last, the several tens of thousands of ethnic minority masses were rescued.
On May 30 , 1999, Hal province of the tower was attacked by the strong shock again, the magnitude is up to magnitude 7 on the Richter scale, cause 5000 deaths, nearly 50 villages are destroyed .
On February 4 , 1999, the earthquake magnitude 6 on the Richter scale took place to outlying province tower Hal in the north of Afghanistan, causing 4200 deaths at least, thousands of people are injured.
In 1998, Hal province of the tower and bar reached hertz and still saved the strong shock of two times took place in the area, 8500 persons in all died in these two earthquakes, hundreds and thousands of houses are destroyed .
參考: Microsoft Word

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