
2007-03-25 1:13 am

聯合國說,地震的死難者可能高達4800-5000 人。

還有新的說法 ,是美國空襲時使用了威力巨大的炸彈。

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 4:31 am
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震央附近的巴格蘭省災情嚴重, 其中納赫林鎮和附近的14個村莊被徹底摧毀。北部巴格蘭省(Baghlan)的納赫林(Nahrin)地區和布蓋(Burqa)地區也受到影響。
最少有500人喪生, 三萬人喪失家園。
加上狹窄的山區公路、雪崩、以及當地異常的天氣, 令搜救工作非常困難。
官員估計超過一千五百人死亡, 四千人受傷。
聯合國說, 地震的死難者可能高達4800-5000人。
國際地震專家認為, 這主要由於阿富汗所處的地理位置和地質結構等綜合因素造成的。
還有新的說法, 是美國空襲時使用了威力巨大的炸彈。

The earthquake lasted for three hours.
Baghlan Province, close to the epicentre, was seriously hit. The town of Nahrin and fourteen nearby villages in the province were completely devastated. In the northern province of Baghlan, the Nahrin and Burqa regions were also affected.
At least 500 people died; 30,000 more lost their homes.
A series of strong aftershocks took place.
In addition, the narrow roads of the hilly areas, the avalanches, and the extreme weather condition there made rescue work very difficult.
Government officials estimated the number of deaths to surpass 1500, with another 4000 injured.
According to the U.N., people killed in the quake may be as many as 4800 to 5000.
Seismologists around the world are of the opinion that this was mainly the result of the geographical location of Afghanistan in combination with the effects of its geological structure.
And a new standpoint has attributed the quake to the powerful bombs used by the U.S. forces during the air raids.
2007-03-25 1:16 am
The earthquake has lasted three hours. It is serious to shake and beg one dose of blue province disasters of nearby bar, among them receive Hering town and 14 neighbouring villages and is destroyed completely. Northern bar doses of blue province (Baghlan ) receive Hering (Nahrin ) area and cloth stamp (Burqa ) district is influenced . 500 people die at least, 30,000 people lose the home . Successively a lot of strong aftershocks took place. Add the narrow highway , the avalanche , and local unusual weather of mountain area, it is very difficult for the order to search and rescue the work. Officers estimate it exceeds 1,500 people to die, 4,000 people are injured. The United Nations says , the dead of the earthquake may be up to 4800-5000 people. The international earthquake expert thinks , this is mainly caused by comprehensive factors , such as geographical position and Afghan geological structure in Afghanistan ,etc.. There are new statements, it is a bomb that U.S.A. has used the might to be enormous while launching air raids.

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