
2007-03-25 1:11 am
位置:內陸國家,地處中亞地區南端,北與土庫曼、塔吉克、烏茲別克接壤,東北與中國相鄰,東南接巴基斯坦,西鄰伊朗。首都在喀布爾 (Kabul) 。
面積 :647500平方公里。
人口:約2776萬 。
官方語言:為帕圖語 (Pushtu)、 波斯語。

震央在興都庫什山脈(Hindu Kush Mountains)(35.97N  69.18E)

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Position: The land locked country, is situated at Central Asia region , north with Tucuman, Tadjik, Uzbekistan borders on, northeast and China are neighboring, the southeast meets Pakistan, west neighbour Iran. Capital in Kabul (Kabul). Climate: The climate concurrently is warm, the subtropics climate characteristic, because mountain, plain highly phase difference disparate, therefore the temperature difference change is enormous, the arid region summer temperature most Gao K'oda the 46 degrees centigrade, northeastern part the mountainous area winter temperature most lowers for Celsius below zero 18, the winter, the spring season sleet occurs simultaneously. Area: 647,500 square kilometers. Population: Approximately 2,776 ten thousand. Official language: For handkerchief chart language (Pushtu), Persian. Religion: Believes in the Islamism. Afghanistan capital Kabul place has the Lebanon gram by the northern 240 kilometers to specially make six magnitude of earthquakes. The earthquake occurs when the local time on March 25, 2002 the 26 minute (the Hong Kong time). Seismic vertical in Hindu Kush sierra (Hindu Kush Mountains) (35.97N 69.18E)
參考: me
2007-03-25 1:57 am
Position: The land locked country, is situated at Central Asia region
south, north with Tucuman, Tadjik, Uzbekistan borders on, northeast
and China are neighboring, the southeast meets Pakistan, west
neighbour Iran. Capital in Kabul (Kabul). Climate: The climate
concurrently is warm, the subtropics climate characteristic, because
mountain, plain highly phase difference disparate, therefore the
temperature difference change is enormous, the arid region summer
temperature most Gao K'oda the 46 degrees centigrade, northeastern
part the mountainous area winter temperature most lowers for Celsius
below zero 18, the winter, the spring season sleet occurs
simultaneously. Area: 647,500 square kilometers. Population:
Approximately 2,776 ten thousand. Official language: For handkerchief
chart language (Pushtu), Persian. Religion: Believes in the Islamism.
Afghanistan capital Kabul place has the Lebanon gram by the northern
240 kilometers to specially make six magnitude of earthquakes. The
earthquake occurs when the local time on March 25, 2002 the 26 minute
(the Hong Kong time). Seismic vertical in Hindu Kush sierra (Hindu
Kush Mountains) (35.97N 69.18E)

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