
2007-03-25 12:13 am


what is DonBei boys?

回答 (2)

2007-03-25 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most Foreigners are not like we think ... and see in James Bond's movie ...
they are very regular ... and not all of them are educated, and not all of them
look that handsome ... so nothing really to compare with.
A "REAL MAN" should have his attitude and character, he must have a temper.
Most HK boys are not a "REAL MAN", they follow mom and dad too much,
no thinking, and when they date girl, they just allow the lady drive through
the whole situation. No idea at all, all love slaves...
"Boys in China, in Taiwan have a lot more characters than
those in Hongkong, Korean boys are definitely more unique in character ...
(DonBei boys too) ...
but in Hong Kong, all we care is MONEY, Money just need mind game and manipulation, so HK boys can fit very well in the society ...
2007-03-25 8:46 am
Actually,I think mostly Hong Kong guys whose always inurbanity.
Their undereducated action and diction,really disgust.
In fact,they always bethink sex...
They say some foul language because they think they're handsome but they never know that "Handsome is that handsome does."
The other way round, I think foreigner lean to had educate and they are romantic
Have definite idea...etc
參考: Myself

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