Can anyone help me to translate 萬般帶不走,唯有業隨身?

2007-03-24 10:22 pm
Can anyone help me to translate 萬般帶不走,唯有業隨身 into English?
Many Thanks

「萬般帶不走,唯有業隨身」 是對的 業其實即係業力 業力是組成因果關係的原素。業力是指個人過去、現在或將來的行為所引發的結果的集合,業力的結果會主導現在及將來的經歷,所以,個人的生命經歷及他人的遭遇均是受自己的行為影響。因此,個人有為自己生命負責的可能性以及責任。而業力也是主導輪迴的因,所以業力不單是現世的結果,還會生生不息地延伸至來世。 簡單黎講 業即係你前生,今生所做既一切,所種下的因。 即係你既案底,你殺左人,就係殺左人,會留案底一樣,呢個案底永遠都跟住你

回答 (3)

2007-03-27 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
you are not bringing anything with you and only your acts will follow.


no one could bring along anything except his own acts.

「業」勉強翻做 act 吧, 英文思想中是沒有「業」這概念的, 就像中文思想中是沒有「sin」這概念.

hope this could help

2007-03-26 18:57:50 補充:
「業力」本意不帶好壞之分, 所以用 act 好似中立 D. act 字會聯想到結果, 但 result (果) 不一定會聯想到出發點.
2007-03-25 6:06 am
Nothing can be taken with us when we die except our karma (業力).
2007-03-24 11:21 pm
Anything on earth cannot be brought with us through death save the sin we carry.

ps. in Chinese should be 孽 not 業

2007-03-24 16:08:29 補充:
Revision given it's 業隨身 -Anything on earth cannot be brought with us through death save the accumulated outcomes of our kind and evil deeds.

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