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For sure all engineering (mechanical, civil, electrical) will involve in some programming. for sure C will be one of them since it is the best STRUCTURAL program, Assembler will be the second one once you touch the design of CPU.
in the first year of electronic engineering you will need to take some general course like Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer programming ... in the coming 2 or 3 year will be more specific like circuit design, more (and more) math, more physics and some specific courses at your choice (eg CPU design, antenna, transformer, motor, logic, digital transform, feedback control.........)
C is the name of high level programming language
Assembler is the name of low level programming language specific for CPU, ie different CPU have different Assembler
2007-03-29 09:05:17 補充:
1. PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmable_logic_controller2. java, C++, BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL.....3. yes if u want to go into EE, u cant understand CPU w/o it